Tag Archives: conference

Think Space – ‘inbetween’ development

Originally posted on Cities for People:
Last week I attended the conference Think Space in Malmö. A very inspiriting day on the theme of “urban development in the inbetween” discussing participatory urban development, urban interventions, art-culture-social innovation as an agent for change. I heard some inspiring presentations and met with some interesting people. Team Better Block A…

Thought for Food summit in Berlin

The future of food production is an issue that overlaps with the future of city development. The Thought for Food summit will try to address how to nourish the rising world population in a sustainable way, and is looking for participants with diverging backgrounds. They emphasize the use of the word ‘participant’ rather than ‘attendee’ […]

We were there: Eurocities conference on demographic change

on November the 26th, 2012 at the Office of Berlin in Brussels. The event was organised by the Office of Berlin and funded by the European Commission via EUROCITIES, the network of major European cities. It contained presentations of new strategies for Urban Mobility and Design for Public Spaces in London, Vienna and Berlin and […]

Eurocities conference on Demographic Change

Eurocities is a network of European cities which aims to push for the role of local government concerning climate, economy and inclusion, or what we generally call a lobby (which has such a bad ring to it). On Monday the 26th of November (that’s next week!), Eurocities will be presenting a conference in Brussels on […]